I Know

What does it mean to be tough or to feel tough? I wondered that today, as I continue onto day three of prepping for the interview, sitting in front of my computer practicing speaking out loud. I talked to my husband about all that’s happening with our life. This new part of our journey where everything is unknown but also known.

I know, that I have a family; that I’m safe and that I am supported, finally by my mom and husband. I know that I have friends here who, after seven years of being away still welcomed me with showing up and helping me through this challenge. I am immensely grateful for them. I know, that I am (knock-on-wood) feeling well and healthy and oh yes, we finally got MSP today. We are officially back to Canada with healthcare. Thank you!

I know that somehow, we’re going to be okay. I know that our family of three plus cat has been so co-operative, loving, brutally honest and sincere to each other. Something my good friend here tries to remind me of, everyday on Messenger. I need to be more grateful about this!

I can’t help but feel worried about the unknown… Don’t leave me hanging guys! I don’t know, everything. I don’t know what will happen in 2020 for the first time and I don’t know how I will make all of this work.

So, tonight I’m going to tuck myself to bed knowing that I kissed my husband and hugged my cat, which I am absolutely certain now is deaf and told my mom that I loved her. That’s something I know, for sure I can do today and am so grateful that I get to do.


PersonalWynne Leung