Organizational Coaching - Intensives Day 1
I had a great day today on our first day intensives. Here are my biggest takeaways:
A snapshot of folks I’ll be spending time with this year! Excited for what’s to come!
FOUR Levels of Listening
Did you know that there are many levels of listening? Here are four that we talked about today:
Source: UBC Extended Learning
2. LEARNING ZONES & transformation
When we’re learning we pivot between three zones. The comfort zone, the uncomfortable zone and the panic zone. Learning only takes place in the uncomfortable zone. Today we talked about how gently move into the uncomfortable zone so we can take in and learn something new. We learned about “quality failures” and what those can mean for our transformations. We also learned that transformation is a natural and ongoing process.
Today I also learned about co-creating agreements. What they can be and how might we create them so that we can work more in harmony.
Source: UBC Extended Learning
Today we also learned the power of reflecting in learning. We learned that doing the experience is not enough, that we learn when we are able to reflect and create meaning out of our experiences. Here’s a model that we learned today: KOLB Experiential Learning Cycle.
Source: UBC Extended Learning
5. Judgement VS. Curiosity
I learned today that it’s not possible to be both judgmental and curious at the same time. That judgement is one of our primal instincts. We learned to do that in the past to protect us from dangerous situations. It is a helpful skill. Curiosity is a newer instinct to humans. Being a coach means holding a space for curiosity for our clients and a space to understand more on their lives and journey.
Source: UBC Extended Learning
Learned about cognitive biases, how they are very natural and innate to us. Here are different types of biases and how we might combat them including:
Staying curious
Increasing our level of self-awareness
Questioning if we are judging versus seeing the reality
Source: UBC Extended Learning
We all live in many different types of systems, and within those systems there are also biases and powers at play with deep histories that we cannot ignore when coaching.
Source: UBC Extended Learning
Consider this quote:
Source: UBC Extended Learning
8. Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Why does it matter in Coaching?
Source: UBC Extended Learning
9. How to build our foundations: starting with the self
And that’s a wrap with Day 1 Intensive! We really did a lot of work to setup the foundation and starting with our selves. Really enjoyed today. Super excited for tomorrow.
Source: UBC Extended Learning