Foundations in Coaching: Little Sprout
What new awareness or patterns are now emerging or you as a coach? What are you discovering about yourself?
I noticed that I’m feeling confused during peer coaching from the “explore” to “close” in the FACE Model. I’d love some help or strategies on how to create space for all the stages of FACE into one coaching session of 30 mins.
I heard from peers that my intuition has helped them feel more connected to the conversation. I’m curious to learn how I can use intuition more in service of my clients and coaching journey. Another feedback I heard is that folks feel my empathy in coaching calls. I’m curious to learn how it can support my coaching journey.
My day job I work as a product designer. My job is to solve complex problems with many people. I noticed how the stages of FACE overlap into product design thinking. I'm feeling excited to learn what types of models or aspects might overlap in the future for coaching as I continue to learn.
What would you like to devote more attention and focus?
I’d like to ask for help from the community to work on the space between explore and close. I will do that by connecting with mentor coaches (through inMail) and peers (discussion boards) PCT (through our WhatsApp group).
What successes are you celebrating?
Today I’m celebrating that I did three sessions of peer coaching and all booked up for March and April. Finished all the readings once, was not sure I can read all it but I did! I’m also celebrating giving myself the gift of learning, something I’ve been wanting for many years. Excited to continue this journey with everyone here.