Radical Collaboration: Attitude and Intention
I’ve been reading the book Radical Collaboration and learned today about the different “zones” we choose to be in. I must say that as much as I desire to be in the green zone that’s what I aspire to be. But in reality I think I’m more in all of the zones at different times. The green zone is where I hope to strive to be, most of the time. Here are the different zones to explore:
我一直在閱讀 Radical Collaboration 這本書,今天了解了我們選擇進入的不同“區域”。我必須說,儘管我希望進入綠色區域,這正是我渴望成為的。但實際上,我認為我在不同時間更多地處於所有區域。大多數時候,綠色區域是我希望努力的地方。以下是要探索的不同區域:
A person in the green zone
Takes responsibility for the circumstances of his or her life
Seeks to respond non-defensively
Is not easily threatened psychologically
Attempts to build mutual success
Seeks solution rather than blame
Uses persuasion rather than force
Can be firm, but not rigid, about his or her interests
Thinks both short tern and long term
Is interested in other points of view
Welcomes feedback
Sees conflict as a natural part of the human condition
Talks calmly and directly about difficult issues
Accepts responsibility for the consequences of his or her actions
Continuously seeks deeper levels of understanding
Communicates a caring attitude
Seeks excellence rather than victory
Listens well
A person in the Red Zone
Blames others for the circumstances of his or her life
Feels threatened and wronged
Responds defensively
Triggers defensiveness in others
Is rigid, reactive and righteous
Uses shame, blame and accusations
Is unaware of the climate of antagonism he or she creates
Has low awareness of blind spots
Doesn’t seek or value feedback
Sees others as problem or enemy
Sees conflict as a battle and seeks to win at any cost
Doesn’t let go or forgive
Communicates high levels of disapproval and contempt
Focuses on short-term advantages and gain
Feels victimized by different points of view
Is black/white, right/wrong thinking
Doesn’t listen effectively
A person in the pink zone
Sees conflict as a battle and seeks to avoid it at any cost
Blames others for the circumstances of his or her life
Feels threatened and wronged
Responds defensively
Triggers frustration and anxiety in others
Is passively rigid, reactive, and righteous
Uses behind-the-scenes shaming, blaming and accusations
Is unaware of the climate of frustration and confusion he or she creates
Has low awareness of blind spots
Is fearful of seeking feedback
Sees others as the problem or enemy
Can be superficially nice but doesn’t let go or forgive
Hides their disapproval and contempt
Focuses on short-term stress reduction and avoidance of conflict
Feels victimized and underappreciated a lot of the time
Can be very wishy-washy in expressing their point of view
Doesn’t listen effectively