Ask for Help

I spent a lot of time in my teens, 20’s and 30’s very rarely asking for help. I took a lot of online classes and went to school to learn new skills, but I always felt scared to stand in front of someone else and say “hey, I don’t know how to do this and I’m having a hard time. Can you please teach me?” It wasn’t until I worked at Adobe and at Kabam, where there was so much that I didn’t know at all. That I had to be “vulnerageous”. A term my therapist coined meaning vulnerability and courageous.

There were moments when I asked for help and people took time out of their day to help me. There were times when I had no response or it was a “no” or no response at all. Reflecting back, even thought it felt scary when people said no and I showed my weakness, I would still ask for help. Now I actually know how to build systems in mobile game designs, how to open up work in Unity and the science behind gamer motivations. I also now know how to build a cross-platform service from start to finish at the top SaaS companies in the world.

Today, I ask for help - all the time. I remind myself to speak about what I know and what I don't know. I teach when others ask me questions. And in return, I ask for help. Life is so hard, it's complex and as a designer there are so many new skills we need to learn. I'm excited to learn how to conduct experiments at Mailchimp. Work is ramping back up again and feeling grateful for Liz and Tamlin who are teaching me how to do that.

Wynne Leung
How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing Intelligently

“let your aim be to come at truth, not to conquer your opponent. So you never shall be at a loss in losing the argument, and gaining a new discovery.”

Arthur Martine counseled in his magnificent 1866 guide to the art of conversation,

How to compose a successful critical commentary:

1. You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way.”

2. You should list any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).

3. You should mention anything you have learned from your target.Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.

If only the same code of conduct could be applied to critical commentary online, particularly to the indelible inferno of comments.”

Dennett, D. C. (2014). Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking. Penguin Books.

Ten Strategies for Building Collaboration
  1. Go first.

  2. Be open and direct about your intent to collaborate.

  3. Pay attention to responses.

  4. Keep talking.

  5. Forgive quickly (respond positively when others cooperate).

  6. Agree ahead of time on systems for conflict resolution.

  7. Conduct regular reviews and actively monitor relationships.

  8. Use graduated sanctions.

  9. Make a commitment to a higher ethical standard.

  10. Use Interest-Based Negotiations to resolve any differences or disputes.

Tamm, J. (2019). Radical Collaboration (2nd ed.). HarperBusiness.

It's Alright.
Sewing in my apartment, San Francisco, CA, 2016

I lived in a studio apartment in San Francisco for four years. It was right on Market Street and many years ago it used to be a theater. There were many different types of people living in the building. Some moved in and unfortunately gentrified the place like I did. Other like my neighbor lived there for over twenty years. I lived on the 22nd floor and in unit 22. It was always easy to remember - 2222.

When I moved in the building manager said, “Oh, 2222, in yoga that would mean good luck - meaning that your life is in sync now.” I thanked her and carried on.

I had a tall mirror in front of my apartment that I always looked at before I went out… To check how I looked. I would look at myself from the front and back. I was constantly feeling self-conscious about my weight.

I went to the gym twice a week so that I can be 5’7” and 125 pounds. That’s how much I weighed throughout give and take a few pounds.

In the elevator every morning I saw different people coming up and down the 30 story building. One day I bumped into my neighbor he always said good morning so I made sure to say it first this time, “good morning”.

“Good morning, Wynne! You look so nice.” He said

“Thank you sir, good morning,” I replied.

“You know, you always look so nice. So perfect. You always look so perfect.” He said.

I didn’t know what to say to him. And that that moment I didn’t know how or what to feel. I didn’t know how to tell him that I ate the same meals for three years almost every night in my little studio apartment: a cup of kale, two eggs, two sausages and multigrain bread. How I felt scared to gain weight. How “perfect” I wanted to look on the outside.

So I didn’t say anything. I took my perfect looking self out of the elevator and continued on. So for four years I worked really hard to look beautiful and perfect on the outside.

Sometimes I had to appear perfect to protect the person that I have living inside. That’s alright, I did what I had to do to survive the years living alone in a city where I knew only a few people.

It’s alright, it’s alright.


我在舊金山的一室公寓裡住了四年。它就在市場街上,多年前它曾經是一個劇院。大樓裡住著許多不同類型的人。有些人搬進來,不幸的是像我一樣把這個地方高檔化了。其他像我的鄰居在那裡住了二十多年。我住在 22 樓和 22 單元。它總是很容易記住 - 2222。



我每週去健身房兩次,這樣我就可以達到 5 英尺 7 英寸和 125 磅的體重。這就是我在整個給予和接受幾磅的過程中的重量。









PersonalWynne Leung
Two Little Hands

2021 Was a lot about reflection on my past, I think a lot of us spent a lot of time going inwards. I know I did. I did that through painting, drawing and writing. I got a lot of time to think about what mattered to me. A job, career, money, family, things, leisure time. I thought a lot and felt a lot.

What was my most stunning revelation is truly knowing the sacrifices that my family and relatives did to give me - the life that I have right now. Truly knowing and replaying the love that they gave to us. It makes me feel silly, not knowing it for so long...

I visited my family after two years in this pandemic in Toronto and it’s like nothing changed. No years have gone by and the love is just as strong as ever. Every conversation just tied into the last one, no grudges, no negativity - just encouragement, positive words and support. I don’t know how they managed to do that given how challenging life must have been.

I see my Uncle and Aunt move from a big house to a small apartment to take care of their parents. I have seen them take care of people their whole lives and I don’t know how I can make the same sacrifice. Talking to my cousins, it looks like a lot of us are now needing to take care of our parents too. To continue to make that sacrifice.

But me, I feel like I have sacrificed my whole life - how does one continue to do that? Where, do I find the courage to make that sacrifice. Every time I made a life decision for my family. Moving from a rental to another, moving across to Kelowna to work, then to Seattle, San Francisco and then now back to Canada. Every decision feels so heavy… I have had to make these decisions my whole life and I just wished everytime that there was more of a guarantee. But, there wasn’t. I just had to keep running and going. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of trying to jump. Every challenge for me just felt like leaping from one side to another.

Now that I’m also 40, and it seems like this never truly ends. Now, thinking of moving back to Toronto. It’s no wonder that I’m terrified and don’t want do it. I’m scared to lose everything that I hastily put together with my two little hands. Scared for everything that I worked so hard for to come tumbling down. Who will catch my fall?

2021 年有很多關於我過去的反思,我想我們很多人都花了很多時間思考。我知道我做到了。我通過繪畫、素描和寫作做到了這一點。我有很多時間思考對我來說重要的事情。工作、事業、金錢、家庭、事物、閒暇時間。我想了很多,也感受到了很多。





現在我也 40 歲了,這似乎永遠不會真正結束。現在,考慮搬回多倫多。難怪我害怕而且不想這樣做。我害怕失去我用兩隻小手匆忙拼湊的一切。害怕我努力工作的一切都倒塌了。誰來接我的墜落?

PersonalWynne Leung

Being a designer there’s a part of me that really wants to evaluate, understand and measure everything that happens. What can I do more of to improve this? How come this happens to me? Why is my plant dying? Things like that.

I end up trying to control everything in my life.

To be honest, the only that that has worked all my life is to continue to practice the things that matter to my heart, such as making time everyday to practice; meditation, design, exercising, drawing and being with my family. One of my favorite quotes from my daily meditation is by Dr. Elliot S. Dacher that I say practically everyday after my practice. He says (on meditation):

“Be willing to not judge your practice as successful for unsuccessful or compare one session to another.

This is a mental trap.

Just follow the practice and it’ll be perfect as it is.

No judgement, striving or excess effort or perfectionism.

Be pleased grateful for your good fortune to have the time and motivation to practice.”

Thank you, thank you and thank you.


Design, PersonalWynne Leung
Radical Collaboration: Attitude and Intention

I’ve been reading the book Radical Collaboration and learned today about the different “zones” we choose to be in. I must say that as much as I desire to be in the green zone that’s what I aspire to be. But in reality I think I’m more in all of the zones at different times. The green zone is where I hope to strive to be, most of the time. Here are the different zones to explore:

我一直在閱讀 Radical Collaboration 這本書,今天了解了我們選擇進入的不同“區域”。我必須說,儘管我希望進入綠色區域,這正是我渴望成為的。但實際上,我認為我在不同時間更多地處於所有區域。大多數時候,綠色區域是我希望努力的地方。以下是要探索的不同區域:

A person in the green zone

  • Takes responsibility for the circumstances of his or her life

  • Seeks to respond non-defensively

  • Is not easily threatened psychologically

  • Attempts to build mutual success

  • Seeks solution rather than blame

  • Uses persuasion rather than force

  • Can be firm, but not rigid, about his or her interests

  • Thinks both short tern and long term

  • Is interested in other points of view

  • Welcomes feedback

  • Sees conflict as a natural part of the human condition

  • Talks calmly and directly about difficult issues

  • Accepts responsibility for the consequences of his or her actions

  • Continuously seeks deeper levels of understanding

  • Communicates a caring attitude

  • Seeks excellence rather than victory

  • Listens well


A person in the Red Zone

  • Blames others for the circumstances of his or her life

  • Feels threatened and wronged

  • Responds defensively

  • Triggers defensiveness in others

  • Is rigid, reactive and righteous

  • Uses shame, blame and accusations

  • Is unaware of the climate of antagonism he or she creates

  • Has low awareness of blind spots

  • Doesn’t seek or value feedback

  • Sees others as problem or enemy

  • Sees conflict as a battle and seeks to win at any cost

  • Doesn’t let go or forgive

  • Communicates high levels of disapproval and contempt

  • Focuses on short-term advantages and gain

  • Feels victimized by different points of view

  • Is black/white, right/wrong thinking

  • Doesn’t listen effectively


A person in the pink zone

  • Sees conflict as a battle and seeks to avoid it at any cost

  • Blames others for the circumstances of his or her life

  • Feels threatened and wronged

  • Responds defensively

  • Triggers frustration and anxiety in others

  • Is passively rigid, reactive, and righteous

  • Uses behind-the-scenes shaming, blaming and accusations

  • Is unaware of the climate of frustration and confusion he or she creates

  • Has low awareness of blind spots

  • Is fearful of seeking feedback

  • Sees others as the problem or enemy

  • Can be superficially nice but doesn’t let go or forgive

  • Hides their disapproval and contempt

  • Focuses on short-term stress reduction and avoidance of conflict

  • Feels victimized and underappreciated a lot of the time

  • Can be very wishy-washy in expressing their point of view

  • Doesn’t listen effectively

5 Ways to Introduce User Experience in Game Design

One of my goals this last year is to introduce more user experience design processes to the team. So, this past year I’ve been applying variations of the design thinking processes to a free to play gaming team. The intention is to include all team members into the design thinking process. Learning how to connect solutions to problems.

After year and a half, three features later here are some techniques that have worked for us:


1.Plant the Seed for Collaboration - Condensed Two Hour Design Thinking Workshop

Introduced a short version of a design thinking workshop with the intention of creating structured collaboration. Link to original Google Design Sprint.

  • Session 1 - What is the problem we’re trying to solve?

    • 60 minutes

    • 5-6 participants from different disciplines

    • Problem Prompt/Task

    • Lightning Talks (15 mins)

      • Research team - 3 mins talk about the problem space

      • Game Design team - 3 mins talk about the problem space

      • UX team - 3 mins talk about the problem space

    • How Might We? (30 mins)

      • Get all team members to list out “how might we?” problems - 5 mins

      • Vote up on problems together - 5 mins

      • Open discussion - 20 mins

  • Session 2 - Sketch and vote

    • 60 minutes

    • Same participants as first session

    • Crazy 8’s (8 mins)

      • Give each participant a “how might we” to sketch solutions for

    • Share (10 mins)

      • Give each participant two minutes to share their ideas

    • Upvote (5 mins)

      • Each participant votes on three ideas they feel solves the problem best

    Engineering and design connected on design constraints and surfaced new ideas.


2. broaden problem space: Lightning Talks

Invited representatives from different disciplinary team to come forward to share 3-5 minutes of insights on the problem space. This gives all participants in the workshop a broader way to understand the problem. More space and time to focus on discussion common problems and more time to come up with solutions.


3. structure design feedback: curiosity before feedback

Something that has been working well during feedback sessions is giving space to ask questions. Often when we are in review sessions someone will show a design and then ask for feedback. We need to give space to ask clarifying questions before giving feedback so that the feedback that we give empowers the designer to reflect on their work and in turn evaluate the feedback.


4. Design patterns

Creating a cloud document that has all the design patterns helped us ship and create quick features. A designer on our team, Hernaldo created one for us. This was a bit more challenging to maintain given the speed of the project, but having one space for all the design assets made all other UX designer’s work faster.


5. VISUAL Sitemap

Something that I tried to do this year is to identify all the routes going in and out of different areas of the game. We were able to use it to gauge any dead-ends, game loops and evaluate funnels.


Today, the team now is much more focused on creating smaller prototypes using the existing design patterns. We’re learning more about our design solutions and continue to work with research to test our hypothesis. About 20 - 30 participants have engaged in a workshop from IC level to Director level. It created a space for open discussion on problems and to build stronger relationships.

DesignWynne Leung
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence
LeadershipWynne Leung
Set the Table

Our family ins’t like any other family. Probably just like every other family out there we don’t fit into a poster book of what a family is supposed to look like.

Coming back to Canada I had this idea of what I thought a family is supposed to be like from the movies. Everyone has dinner together every night. We go to the beach on the weekends and spend time together. Cam and I are used to having dinner together in San Francisco. It was a time we came together to recap on our days, vent and talk about whatever’s on our minds.

I thought that it would be the same now that we lived with my mom. For two years now we’ve struggled as a family to have any meaningful conversation over dinner.

My mom doesn’t speak English very well and Cam well he doesn’t speak Chinese. So, during dinner all I do is translate, try to talk about things that we can all talk about and eat as fast as possible. It wasn’t exactly my idea of a time to decompress. Usually I would leave dinner feeling drained, not really full and just waiting for it to be over.

We had a family talk the other day and learned that my mother’s been eating mostly alone the past seven years while I was away. She was also at work and having to eat quickly. This idea of sitting down, talking and discussing how something tastes is so foreign to her. She doesn’t know how to talk and eat at the same time. Flustered my mother would repeat, “why do we have to talk? Why can’t we just eat?” I too, was eating a lot alone in San Francisco but never really had this challenge. I think she’s been doing it for far longer than I have.

So recently we decided to just do something different. Cam and I would go and make dinner first and eat, and then my mother would go and make dinner and eat. It wouldn’t exactly be how a picture book looks like, but it is what makes us all feel the most comfortable, safe and connected. Connected that we are giving each other what we need right now. Space and time to eat comfortably in the way that makes us feel the most comfortable.

PersonalWynne Leung
stop asian hate : your asian community needs you now
Chinese workers on the Canadian Pacific Railway (Image D-07548 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives)

Chinese workers on the Canadian Pacific Railway
(Image D-07548 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives)

Over the course of construction and by the end of 1882, of the 9,000 railway workers, 6,500 were Chinese Canadians. They were employed to build the B.C. segment of the railway through the most challenging and dangerous terrain.

Growing up in a small town in Ontario I was one of the few Asian people in my elementary school. At the time to be honest I didn’t feel any different from my friends nor do I remember them treating me any differently.

At home I had a supportive community. Our family had dinners with our cousins and like a big family it was as if I had a dozen siblings.

My mother, worked two jobs one in the morning and one at night so that she can support us.

We grew up in a basement and my mother and I didn’t have our own home until I was fourteen. We took care of each other within our community of relatives. Always making sure that the children were kept busy and constantly learning.

Even though we were poor growing up my mother always invested in my education. I was consistently enrolled in Chinese, Mandarin, gymnastics, swimming and art classes. Our weekends were always about spending time with our relatives, going to Chinese school and math school. It was imperative that we knew how to write and speak Chinese. We were taught to carry our culture forward with us. Summertime when I noticed our friends were going on holidays, we were going to Chinese immersion summer school where we can learn more Chinese in different subjects and connect with our extended community.

During the day I went to a French immersion school, which was very difficult for me at first because I had to learn English as well. But somehow through tutoring and the help of my cousins I learned to speak and write: English, French and Chinese.

This entire time my mother continued to work her minimum wage job day and night to support us. Life was about sacrifice. She wanted a better future for us.

As you can see, our life was surrounded by our own community and how important that was for us to feel supported.

My family consisted of a group of very hard working and sacrificing elders. We worked hard and our children did too. We understand and taste the understanding of sacrifice. We spent every holiday together and helped each other out whenever we can.

I hope that people can understand how special and unique our culture is. We may not speak up as much but we are human beings too. We are an incredibly hard-working, self-sacrificing and educated. We also, helped build the railway that Canadian Pacific Railway which you can read about here. But there again was an incredible sacrifice. We then not only built the Railway, but we found ways to build community in Canada even through the injustice of immigration against Canadian Chinese. We found a way to stay together because of our community.

Through this really challenging time. I urge you to reach out to friends and family who are Asian. Ask them how they’re doing. Let them know that you support them. Visit local businesses and support an Asian business. Help them feel safe in their community after this terrorizing incident in Georgia. See something, say something.

Speak up and do not remain silent.

PersonalWynne Leung
Women in Tech - The Race Still Continues for Equality
Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 12.53.21 AM.png

With the recent turn of events in Canada and in the US, this class has really helped me understand deeper into issues of diversity and inclusivity. Diversity is a fact in our workplace, however inclusivity is still a choice.

Inequality between men and women in tech continue despite years of efforts. Women make up 47% of all employed adults in the U.S., but as of 2015, they hold only 25% of computing roles, according to data from the National Center for Women & Information Technology. Of the 25 percent of women working in tech, Asian women make up just 5 percent of that number, while black and Hispanic women accounted for 3 percent and 1 percent, respectively.

Though there are many programs such as Women Techmakers at Google that are created to support women, women earned only 19 percent of computer science degrees at the bachelor level in 2016, compared to 27 percent in 1997. There are not enough women coming into the workplace to fill in the gap.

Another factor that makes it more challenging for women is the continued gender discrimination: 50 percent of women said they had experienced gender discrimination at work, while only 19 percent of men said the same. Women in male dominated environments like this were more likely to report higher rates of gender discrimination and hostile work environments. These are issues that men do not have to face on a daily basis.

Women also have to balance caretaking along with work. There are not enough public social programs that support women in the tech workplace. Though for women who work for larger tech companies such as Reddit, Amazon and IBM. Those companies are providing support to women returning to work from maternal leave. For example, Reddit offers flexible time off after the arrival of the child, comfortable on-site breastfeeding rooms, reimbursement of breast milk delivery services, a child care stipend for use after the parent returns to work, and access to Cleo, a female-founded company that offers parents 24/7 support and resources about early childcare development, a phone hotline, lactation consulting, night dulas, and even estate planning.

However, the expectations for work performance for women as well when she returns from maternal are the same rate as men. This presents a challenge for women in many aspects. Having been away for 6 months to a year, she has to rekindle important relationships at work that she will need to support her work, she also has to juggle caretaking for her newborn child while having possibly sacrificing time for rest and time to study and catch up after being away for a year.  “I think it’s a myth that there’s all this free time when you have kids,” Alice Steinglass said of her experience as a mother in tech. “People are all like, ‘Your kid is going to sleep and then you can actually be productive,’ but it’s impossible to turn it on and off like that…There is no world in which we can do it all.” 

The impact of these programs such as the one we saw in Reddit helps women feel more supported at work after maternal leave. However, it does not provide information on how we might improve the gender gap for women in tech. Women hold only 25% of computing roles, according to data from the National Center for Women & Information Technology. Women compared to men still face more challenges on a daily basis such as the gender gap, higher rates of workplace discrimination and known hurdles despite the support for maternal leave provided by certain tech companies. We must continue our efforts toward equality for women and men in the tech workspace because we aren't there yet.

PersonalWynne Leung
Gotta See It For Myself
Inner Sunset, San Francisco

Inner Sunset, San Francisco

I was sitting at my desk in San Francisco on And decided, we need to move back to Canada. I bought our one-way tickets on Westjet, started our sponsorship to Canada.

We found out to do that would cost $6000 to move everything, so we decided to try to move all the things that we loved in seven suitcases.

We found out two days before leaving that the flight we booked had a max capacity for 2 luggages each.

We had to give away everything else and just let go. I remember walking down 7th avenue with my favorite Miyazaki Totoro and having to give it away to the local Japanese store. I cried but also knew that he too was too large to take to the next chapter of my life. We put our second hand clothes in the local bin on 7th Avenue.

The first day I found Totoro, San Francisco, CA

The first day I found Totoro, San Francisco, CA

I held onto a lot in my life the last seven years. A lot of things that were long overdue, but still it felt heartbreaking having to let go of it all at once.

We arrived to Canada to a beautiful airbnb where we spent the first month imagining what our life would be in Canada. Will we buy a house? What’s that like buying a house? Where would we work? What kinds of jobs would there be?

I remember going to one of the new developments in this little town to see what kind of a home we could buy here. We saw large homes, small homes. I noticed how happy I was looking at homes. It was something that I wanted.

The view from our Airbnb in Kelowna, BC

The view from our Airbnb in Kelowna, BC

So, after getting a job Cam and I decided to buy our first home together. We went online and Googled many nights about how to buy a home. We even started Paper doc. We researched a lot. What type of owner do we want to be?

But, I learned that nothing began until we started to call the realtor. That’s when we saw for ourselves what it’s like to buy a home. Walking into that office and finally going through with it. We saw places that we loved, some that we didn’t. We went and we saw.

We saw this home that we knew was outside of our price range. But we still, wanted to see if we can get it. So with a little bit of support from our realtor and our lawyer we bought our first home.


Reflecting back, I saw a lot the past ten years of my career and in my life. Spending time abroad and traveling through Asia and Europe. But no amount of Googling, could have helped me see for myself the choice that I’m about to make.

So this year, I’m excited to see again the choices we get to make this year. The choice always presents itself when I least expect it.

So, I’m excited to see for myself what this year will bring. To not over plan, and to see things as they come.

Love and grace,


PersonalWynne Leung
prioritize connection

In the future interdisciplinary tech teams will work together in to solve abstract problems. To innovate and build together. What I witness in my experience are companies that silo their teams into disciplines. Sometimes it creates solutions that weigh on one discipline. Other times it creates solutions that neither solves the problem for the customer or meet business goals. Companies that I worked at understand this problem. I’ve been part of workshop seasons where hundreds of us come together in one place to create together.

Where we are today

  • Design is well integrated in the product development process = 66%

  • 5% of empowering design for the greatest benefits, 41% have significant room to grow

  • When design takes center stage it can have a direct impact on tangible results: revenue, valuation and time to market

  • 41% of companies surveyed are at level 1 - Producers of the design maturity scale, design just makes it look good

Yet to change the way a large company of over 500 employees to solve problems may take years. Not to mention the demands from our shared economy to innovate in a much faster speed than we used to. It will take much longer than a month or a season.

Today in addition to working on designs and making sure they’re implemented to the quality that it needs to be. I’m also facilitating multiple virtual workshops which require planning, attention, a deep sense of empathy and deep listening. Activities that consume mental energy on an unprecedented level. The way that I’m exercising my body is creating a sense of expectations for the outputs of the team and of the projects. It can seem at times that the enormous effort and sacrifices that I’ve made are making little change to helping our team mature.

Yet that isn’t true at all. The change is just perhaps not as significant. When I started we weren’t doing any design sprint workshops. Today we have two projects where we’ve completed two out of the five steps of the design sprint workshop. We also began showing work in progress with other teams and conducting way earlier in advance stakeholder check-ins. We have a schedule for UX design and working session between teams. We also have two mid-week check-in’s for design reviews.

It may take just as long as we took to get where we are right now at work, which is years of working the way that we do in order to transform into a new way of working.

Most of all I remind myself that I am experiencing unprecedented change. To not give up. To take deep breaths. That if I steps towards prioritizing my relationships and working deep empathy. I can be in this space with healthier expectations, patience and peace.

Wynne Leung McIntosh


The Design Maturity Model - Invision 
"Make Whole"
“Make Whole”  Tetraptych  9” x 12” watercolor  Wynne Leung McIntosh, 2020

“Make Whole”
Tetraptych 9” x 12” watercolor
Wynne Leung McIntosh, 2020

I was raised in a family of engineers, though I always felt more connected to the arts. Somehow, I continued to draw, paint and sketch throughout college. There were several times that I attempted to make art full time. First time was right after college. Then again in Kelowna. Third time in Seattle and most recently in San Francisco. I'm about to try again.

Make Whole is a piece that I made as one piece with four papers taped together. I hope that she serves as a gentle reminder that it will take time to "put myself together again" so to speak from having taken apart what I loved the most growing up. I hope that she continues to encourage me.

Today, finally without financial challenges in my life for the very first time. I'm feeling scared and excited on this new journey. Despite everything I hope that this effort and courage brings me closer to the artist that I want to be and a more whole and complete being.

Wynne Leung McIntosh



ArtWynne Leung
The Science of Well Being - Course Completed
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”In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.”

Take this course online here on Coursera:

PersonalWynne Leung
Meryl Streep’s powerful speech at the golden globes

"Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose."
- meryl streep


"Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please sit down. Please sit down. Thank you. I love you all. You'll have to forgive me. I've lost my voice in screaming and lamentation this weekend. And I have lost my mind sometime earlier this year. So I have to read.

Thank you, Hollywood foreign press. Just to pick up on what Hugh Laurie said. You and all of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it. Hollywood, foreigners, and the press. But who are we? And, you know, what is Hollywood anyway? It's just a bunch of people from other places.

I was born and raised and created in the public schools of New Jersey. Viola [Davis] was born in a sharecropper's cabin in South Carolina, and grew up in Central Falls, Rhode Island*. Sarah Paulson was raised by a single mom in Brooklyn. Sarah Jessica Parker was one of seven or eight kids from Ohio. Amy Adams was born in Italy. Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem. Where are their birth certificates? And the beautiful Ruth Negga was born in Ethiopia, raised in -- no, in Ireland, I do believe. And she's here nominated for playing a small town girl from Virginia. Ryan Gosling, like all the nicest people, is Canadian. And Dev Patel was born in Kenya, raised in London, is here for playing an Indian raised in Tasmania.

Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick 'em all out, you'll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. They gave me three seconds to say this. An actor's only job is to enter the lives of people who are different from us and let you feel what that feels like. And there were many, many, many powerful performances this year that did exactly that, breathtaking, passionate work.

There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. There was nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it. I still can't get it out of my head because it wasn't in a movie. It was real life.

And this instinct to humiliate, when it's modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life, because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.

This brings me to the press. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage. That's why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in our constitution. So I only ask the famously well-heeled Hollywood Foreign Press and all of us in our community to join me in supporting the committee to protect journalists. Because we're going to need them going forward. And they'll need us to safeguard the truth.

One more thing. Once when I was standing around on the set one day whining about something, we were going to work through supper, or the long hours or whatever, Tommy Lee Jones said to me, isn't it such a privilege, Meryl, just to be an actor. Yeah, it is. And we have to remind each other of the privilege and the responsibility of the act of empathy. We should all be very proud of the work Hollywood honors here tonight.

As my friend, the dear departed Princess Leia, said to me once, take your broken heart, make it into art. Thank you."

Wynne Leung